Camaleon CMS automaically generates rss content for each content/category/content group which can be easily modified.The default template to generate RSS is here:
How to add custom routes for my contents? and how to show them with a custom layout + template? Add the hook "on_render_post" in your config/config.json... "on_render_post": ["e_on_render_post"].....
If you want to have shared post tags, you can do it by this: Camaleon version >= Create an initializer: my_app/config/initializers/shared_tags.rb Rails.application.config.to_prepar...
Register a new hook in your current theme // app/apps/themes/my_theme/config/config.json"on_active": ["....."],"front_default_layout": ["my_theme_set_custom_layout"] # my_theme_set_custom_layout i...
Generate a plugin rails g camaleon_cms:gem_plugin sample_menus Add hook listener // my_plugin/config/camaleon_plugin.json"admin_before_load": [ "my_plugin_admin_before_load"] Create helper liste...