
Hooks are functions that listen for specific process where you can customize the normal functionality of Camaleon CMS. This customization can be:

  • Customize results
  • Load custom assets
  • Load custom template/layout
  • Add custom content in the HTML view
  • ....

To use a hook, you need to add your hook key in your config.json, sample:

  "title": "My Plugin",
... "helpers": [ "Plugins::MyPlugin::MainHelper" ], "hooks": { "on_active": [ "my_plugin_on_active" ], "on_inactive": [ "my_plugin_on_inactive" ], "on_upgrade": [ "my_plugin_on_upgrade" ] //here you can add all your hooks (read documentation) } }

on_active: name or key of hook, that accept an array of listeners.
my_plugin_on_active: function that listen this hook, i.e: you need to create the function "my_plugin_on_active" in your helper "Plugins::MyPlugin::MainHelper".
Note: Don't forget to restart your server after any change in your config file.

Sample: Here

These are the hooks supported by Camaleon CMS:

  Params  Description
on_inactive theme_model  Triggered when theme was uninstalled
on_active theme_model Triggered when theme was installed
on_theme_settings theme_model Triggered when settings are being saved. called after submit on admin->settings->site settings form.
This permit you to save your configurations for the current theme.
theme_options {links: []} Triggered for current installed theme when listing themes on admin panel.
You can add your custom links into links attribute like this:
def my_theme_options(args)
args[:links] << link_to("My link", root_url)
This will add link options for current theme.
post_the_title {title: current_title, post: object}

Triggered when model_content.the_title was called

title: current content title

post: current content model


{content: (excerpt.present? ? excerpt : object.content.truncate(qty_chars)),

post: object}

Triggered when model_content.the_excerpt was called

content: current excerpt generated

post: current content model

 post_the_content {content: object.content, post: object} 

Triggered when model_content.the_content was called

content: current content

post: current content model

post_the_thumb {image: "", post: object} Triggered when model_content.the_thumb was called

image: current image url

post: current content model

 post_can_visit {flag: true, post: object}  Triggered when model_content.can_visit? was called. This is used for visitor validations.

flag: true/false. false => can't be visited

post: current content model

filter_post {active_record: active_record}  

Triggered to filter collection of contents for current visitor for category page, post_type and post_tag.

active_record: current content records to be shown in the list.

Note: Above is for a single model.

 taxonomy_the_title {title: object.name, object: object}

Triggered when a model.the_title was called. This is only for models inherit from taxonomy, like: post, post_type, post_tag, category.

You can detect the model like this: args[:object].class.name == "PostType"

 taxonomy_the_content {content: object.description object: object}  Triggered when a model.the_content was called.
taxonomy_the_excerpt  {content: object.description.truncate(qty_chars), object: object}  Triggered when a model.the_excerpt was called. 
 on_render  {context: context, options: options, render: true, caller: self}  triggered before to render a template
 trashed_post {post: @post, post_type: @post_type} Triggered when a post is moved to the trash.
post: The post being saved
post_type: The post's post_type
restored_post {post: @post, post_type: @post_type} Triggered when a post is restored from trash.
post: The post being saved
on_active plugin_model Triggered when the current plugin was activated
on_inactive plugin_model Triggered when the current plugin was inactivated
plugin_options  {links: []} Triggered for installed plugins when listing on admin.
You can add your custom links into links attribute like this:
def my_plugin_options(args)
args[:links] << link_to("My link", root_url)
This will add link options for this plugin in the section installed plugins list.
front_cache_reading_cache {data: String} Triggered after reading cache content. Permit to customize cache value
front_cache_writing_cache {data: String} Triggered before saving cache content. Permit to customized cache value
plugin_after_uninstall {plugin: PluginModel} Triggered after any plugin was uninstalled
plugin_after_install {plugin: PluginModel} Triggered after any plugin was installed
plugin_after_upgrade {plugin: PluginModel} Triggered after any plugin was upgraded
plugin_after_destroy {plugin: PluginModel} Triggered after any plugin was destroyed (disabled for now)

Triggered for each request when the admin module is being accessed


Triggered for each request when the admin module was accessed

list_post_extra_columns {post_type: @post_type, content: "", from_body: false}

Triggered when the content list is loading. Permit you to add custom columns in the table (header).

from_body: true => for render table body columns

from_body: false => for render table header columns

content: custom variable where you can add your custom html

list_category {categories: @categories, post_type: @post_type}

Triggered when the categories list is loading. Permit you to customize results.

categories: collection of categories

post_type: current post_type model

category_form {html: "", category: category_model}

Permit to add custom html content into category form.

def my_hook_for_category_form(args)
  args[:html] = "<div> <label>My label</label><br>
<input name='my_custom_input'
value='#{params[:category].custom_value}' />
category_list_header {html: "", post_type: Post_type model}

Permit to add custom columns for the category list table (table header)

category_list_body {html: "",  post_type: post_type model, category: Category model} Permit to add custom columns for the category list table (table body)
list_post {posts: @posts, post_type: @post_type, btns: @btns, all_posts: posts_all, render: 'index' }

Triggered when the content list is loading. Permit you to customize records, tabs (buttons).

posts: collection of contents to be shown in the list

post_type: current post_type

btns: array of tabs, sample: published: "Published (#{args[:

posts_all].where(status: "published").size})

all_posts: the same as posts

render: current template to be rendered

new_post {post: @post, post_type: @post_type, extra_settings: @post_form_extra_settings, render: "form"}

Triggered to show the form for a new content.

post: new content model

post_type: current post_type

extra_settings: array of custom html to be shown on sidebar

render: current template to be rendered 

 create_post {post: @post, post_type: @post_type} 

Triggered when a new content is being registered. Permit to add extra validations.

post: current content to be saved

post_type: current post_type

 created_post  {post: @post, post_type: @post_type} 

 Triggered after a new content was registered.

post: current content saved

post_type: current post_type

edit_post {post: @post, post_type: @post_type, extra_settings: @post_form_extra_settings, render: "form"}

Triggered to show the form for edit a content.

post: new content model

post_type: current post_type

extra_settings: array of custom html to be shown on sidebar

render: current template to be rendered 

 update_post {post: @post, post_type: @post_type}  

Triggered when a content is being updated. Permit to add extra validations.

post: current content to be updated

post_type: current post_type

 updated_post  {post: @post, post_type: @post_type}  Triggered after a content was updated.

post: current content updated

post_type: current post_type

destroy_post {post: @post, post_type: @post_type, flag: true}

Triggered when a content is being destroyed. Permit to add extra validations.

post: current content to be destroyed

post_type: current post_type

flag: true/false, indicate if content can be destroyed or not

destroyed_post {post: @post, post_type: @post_type}

Triggered when a content was destroyed. 

post: current content to be updated

post_type: current post_type

post_get_list_templates {tempates: (Array), post_type: post_type}

Permit to add custom templates in the dropdown of templates for post editor.

post_get_list_layouts {layouts: (Array), post_type: post_type}

Permit to add custom layouts in the dropdown of layouts for post editor.

create_post_draft {post: @post_draft, post_type: @post_type}

Triggered before save a new post draft.

created_post_draft {post: @post_draft, post_type: @post_type}

Triggered after saved a new post draft.

update_post_draft {post: @post_draft, post_type: @post_type}

Triggered before update a post draft.

updated_post_draft {post: @post_draft, post_type: @post_type} Triggered after updated a post draft.
user_after_edited {user, message, params}

Triggered after user was updated

user_edit {user: @user, render: 'form' }

Triggered to show edit user form.

user_new {user: @user, render: 'form' }

Triggered to show new user form.

user_created {user}

Triggered after user was saved.

user_destroyed {user}

Triggered after user was destroyed.

available_user_roles_list {roles_list: (Hash of existent roles)}

Permit to add custom roles to be listed in editing roles form
Sample: args[:roles_list][:manager] << { key: 'my_role_key', label: "my_custom_permission", description: "lorem ipsum"}
authorize! :manage, :my_role_key
Sample permission for post_types:

list_site {sites, render} Triggered to show sites list.
nav_menu_custom {custom_menus: {}, menu: @nav_menu} Permit to add custom menu items available to be selected in menus editor
on_external_menu {menu_item: (NavMenuItem), parsed_menu: (Hash)} Permit to customize or mark as current menu.
Sample parsed_menu: {link: "url of the link", name: "Text of the menu", type_menu: 'external', current: Boolean (true => is current menu, false => not current menu item)}

on_render_front_menu_item {menu_item: (NavMenuItem), parsed_menu: (Hash)} Permit to customize data of parsed menu item or skip menu item by assigning false into :parsed_menu
user_update_more_actions_form {html: ''} Permit to add custom options within user form
user_update_more_actions {html: ''} Permit to add custom options below of user form
 extra_custom_fields {fields: {}}

Permit to register custom field elements, sample:
fields: Hash of existent fields.
Each field has this structure:
key: (String, required)
label: (String, required)
options: (Hash) includes:
  - required (boolean if the field support required option)
  - multiple: (boolean if the field support multiple values)
  - default_value: (String) default value for the field
  - translate: (boolean) if the field permit to be translatable
  - multiple_options: (Hash) {label: (String), default: (String "radio | checkbox"), use_no_default: (Boolean)} permit to enter option values for multiple checkboxes or group of radios

  - extra_fields: (Array({item}, {item})) list of fields with following structure:
    type: (String) text_box | checkbox | text_area | select | radio
    key: (String) key of the extra field
    label: (String) label of the extra field
    description: (String) description of the extra field
    values: (Array(value, value, ..)) array of values with the following structure: {value: (value of the option), label: (String label of the option)}. only for extra fields with type select|radio.
Samples: here.

app_before_load   Triggered for each request when the app is being accessed
app_after_load   Triggered for each request when the app was accessed
email_late {template_name, layout_name, mail_data, files, ...}

Permit to customize the email values before to delivery the email:
template_name: (String) Name of the template to be rendered (default: "html_mailer/mailer.html.erb")
layout_name: (String) Name of the layout to be rendered (default: "mailer.html.erb")
mail_data: (Hash) This is a Hash that contain current email params, such us: to, from, subject, ...
files: (Array) This is an array of files to be attached in the email
format: (String) This is the format of the email, if this is empty, this will send a simple inline text (default html)

on_uploader (args)

args =

server: (String) local | aws,
thumb: {w: (Integer), h: (Integer)},
aws_settings: { # only for AWS
region: (String),
access_key: (String),
secret_key: (String),
bucket: (String),
cloud_front: (String),
aws_file_upload_settings: lambda{|settings| settings },
aws_file_read_settings: lambda{|data, s3_file| data }

Permit to customize the uploder.
aws_file_upload_settings : permit to add your custom attributes for file_upload https://docs.aws.amazon.com/sdkforruby/api/Aws/S3/Object.html#upload_file-instance_method
aws_file_read_settings: permit to read custom attributes from aws file and add to file parsed object

before_upload (args)

Permit to customize the settings of the file before to upload.

on_uploader_resize {file: (String file path), w: (Integer), h: (Integer), w_offset: 0, h_offset: 0, resize: (Boolean), replace: (Boolean), gravity: :north_east}

Permit to customize the thumbnail generation.


Triggered for each request when the frontend module is being accessed


Triggered for each request when the frontend module was accessed

front_default_layout {layout: (params[:cama_ajax_request].present? ? "cama_ajax" : 'index'), controller: controller}

Triggered to customize the layout for frontend. Default layout "index".

on_render_index {layout: default_layout, render: "index"}

Triggered for access into home page (index)

on_render_category {category: @category, layout: default_layout, render: "category"}

Triggered when a category is being accessed.

category: current category

layout: current layout to be rendered

render: current template to be rendered

on_render_post_type {post_type: @post_type, layout: default_layout, render: "post_type"}

Triggered when a post type is being accessed.

post_type: current post_type

layout: current layout to be rendered

render: current template to be rendered

on_render_post_tag {post_tag: @post_tag, layout: default_layout, render: "post_tag"}

Triggered when a post tag is being accessed.

post_tag: current post_tag

layout: current layout to be rendered

render: current template to be rendered

on_render_search {layout: current_layout, render: "search"}

Triggered to execute search request.

layout: current layout to be rendered

render: current template to be rendered

on_render_profile {user: @user, layout: layout_, render: "profile"}

Triggered on render user profile on frontend

on_ajax {render_file: nil, render_text: "", layout: current_layout }

Triggered to execute ajax requests.

layout: nil

render_file: current template to be rendered

render_text: answer for ajax request

on_render_post {post: @post, post_type: @post_type, layout: current_layout, render: r_file}

Triggered when a post (content) is being accessed.

post_type: Post_type of the current content

layout: current layout to be rendered

render: current template to be rendered

post: current content model

seo {seo_data, object}

Triggered when SEO attributes are created.
You can customize or add extra attributes for SEO by this hook.
Receive a Hash with:
- seo_data: Hash with current seo attributes
- object: current model for current page.
     - home page: current_site
     - category page: Category
     - posttype page: Posttype
     - posttag page: Posttag
     - post page: Post

To see all attributes supported, visit here.

def my_custom_seo(args)
args[:seo_data][:title] =
"#{current_site.the_title} |
#{args[:object].the_title}" unless is_home?
args[:seo_data][:twitter][:site] =
# Note: you need to add field


{layout: def_layout, render: "sitemap", custom: {}, format: , skip_post_ids: [], skip_posttype_ids: [], skip_cat_ids: [], skip_tag_ids: []}

triggered visiting https://localhost:3000/sitemap.xml
With hook "on_render_sitemap" you can
- skip post_types, categories, tags or posts
- you can change render file and layout
- you can add custom sitemap elements in the attr "custom", like: https://github.com/owen2345/camaleon-cms/issues/106#issuecomment-146232211
- you can customize your content for html or xml format 


{layout, render}

Triggered to show https://localhost:3000/robots.txt


{layout, render}

Triggered on https://localhost:3000/rss.rss

 draw_custom_assets {stylesheets: (Array), javascripts: (Array), js_html: (String), css_html: (String)} Permit to customize the render of assets changing the value of js_html or css_html using  stylesheets or javascripts values
session_before_load   Triggered when the request is for access to session module (before load the action): login, verify_login, logout, logout, forgot....
session_after_load   Triggered when the request is for access to session module (after load the action): login, verify_login, logout, logout, forgot....
user_before_register  {user, params} Triggered before user was registered.
user: User model saved
params: (Hash) params received from request
user_after_register {user, message, redirect_url } Triggered after user was registered.
user: User model saved
message: String (Message after created) 
redirect_url: (String) url to redirect after creation
user_register_form {html, f: form} print custom html content in register form
user_login_form {html, f: form} print custom html content in login form
user_before_login {user: @user, params: params, password: data_user[:password], captcha_validate: captcha_validate, stop_process: false} Triggered after login form was submitted.
user: User model with username=params[username]
params: request params
password: password received
captcha_validate: boolean
after_login {user: @user, redirect_to: nil}

Triggered after login user. Also you can customize the redirect url after login

user_registered {user, redirect_url}

Triggered  after user was registered. Also permit to customize the redirect url after registered


Created at: 21 Nov 08:27 | Updated at: 26 Apr 15:47