Hooks are functions that listen for specific process where you can customize the normal functionality of Camaleon CMS. This customization can be:
- Customize results
- Load custom assets
- Load custom template/layout
- Add custom content in the HTML view
- ....
To use a hook, you need to add your hook key in your config.json, sample:
"title": "My Plugin",
"helpers": [
"hooks": {
"on_active": [
"on_inactive": [
"on_upgrade": [
//here you can add all your hooks (read documentation)
on_active: name or key of hook, that accept an array of listeners.
my_plugin_on_active: function that listen this hook, i.e: you need to create the function "my_plugin_on_active" in your helper "Plugins::MyPlugin::MainHelper".
Note: Don't forget to restart your server after any change in your config file.
Sample: Here
These are the hooks supported by Camaleon CMS:
Params | Description | |
on_inactive | theme_model | Triggered when theme was uninstalled |
on_active | theme_model | Triggered when theme was installed |
on_theme_settings | theme_model | Triggered when settings are being saved. called after submit on admin->settings->site settings form. This permit you to save your configurations for the current theme. |
theme_options | {links: []} | Triggered for current installed theme when listing themes on admin panel. You can add your custom links into links attribute like this: def my_theme_options(args)This will add link options for current theme. |
post_the_title | {title: current_title, post: object} |
Triggered when model_content.the_title was called title: current content title post: current content model |
post_the_excerpt |
{content: (excerpt.present? ? excerpt : object.content.truncate(qty_chars)), post: object} |
Triggered when model_content.the_excerpt was called content: current excerpt generated post: current content model |
post_the_content | {content: object.content, post: object} |
Triggered when model_content.the_content was called content: current content post: current content model |
post_the_thumb | {image: "", post: object} | Triggered when model_content.the_thumb was called
image: current image url post: current content model |
post_can_visit | {flag: true, post: object} | Triggered when model_content.can_visit? was called. This is used for visitor validations.
flag: true/false. false => can't be visited post: current content model |
filter_post | {active_record: active_record} |
Triggered to filter collection of contents for current visitor for category page, post_type and post_tag. active_record: current content records to be shown in the list. Note: Above is for a single model. |
taxonomy_the_title | {title: object.name, object: object} |
Triggered when a model.the_title was called. This is only for models inherit from taxonomy, like: post, post_type, post_tag, category. You can detect the model like this: args[:object].class.name == "PostType" |
taxonomy_the_content | {content: object.description object: object} | Triggered when a model.the_content was called. |
taxonomy_the_excerpt | {content: object.description.truncate(qty_chars), object: object} | Triggered when a model.the_excerpt was called. |
on_render | {context: context, options: options, render: true, caller: self} | triggered before to render a template |
trashed_post | {post: @post, post_type: @post_type} | Triggered when a post is moved to the trash. post: The post being saved post_type: The post's post_type |
restored_post | {post: @post, post_type: @post_type} | Triggered when a post is restored from trash. post: The post being saved |
on_active | plugin_model | Triggered when the current plugin was activated |
on_inactive | plugin_model | Triggered when the current plugin was inactivated |
plugin_options | {links: []} | Triggered for installed plugins when listing on admin. You can add your custom links into links attribute like this: def my_plugin_options(args)This will add link options for this plugin in the section installed plugins list. |
front_cache_reading_cache | {data: String} | Triggered after reading cache content. Permit to customize cache value |
front_cache_writing_cache | {data: String} | Triggered before saving cache content. Permit to customized cache value |
plugin_after_uninstall | {plugin: PluginModel} | Triggered after any plugin was uninstalled |
plugin_after_install | {plugin: PluginModel} | Triggered after any plugin was installed |
plugin_after_upgrade | {plugin: PluginModel} | Triggered after any plugin was upgraded |
plugin_after_destroy | {plugin: PluginModel} | Triggered after any plugin was destroyed (disabled for now) |
ADMIN | ||
admin_before_load |
Triggered for each request when the admin module is being accessed |
admin_after_load |
Triggered for each request when the admin module was accessed |
list_post_extra_columns | {post_type: @post_type, content: "", from_body: false} |
Triggered when the content list is loading. Permit you to add custom columns in the table (header). from_body: true => for render table body columns from_body: false => for render table header columns content: custom variable where you can add your custom html |
list_category | {categories: @categories, post_type: @post_type} |
Triggered when the categories list is loading. Permit you to customize results. categories: collection of categories post_type: current post_type model |
category_form | {html: "", category: category_model} |
Permit to add custom html content into category form. def my_hook_for_category_form(args) |
category_list_header | {html: "", post_type: Post_type model} |
Permit to add custom columns for the category list table (table header) |
category_list_body | {html: "", post_type: post_type model, category: Category model} | Permit to add custom columns for the category list table (table body) |
list_post | {posts: @posts, post_type: @post_type, btns: @btns, all_posts: posts_all, render: 'index' } |
Triggered when the content list is loading. Permit you to customize records, tabs (buttons). posts: collection of contents to be shown in the list post_type: current post_type btns: array of tabs, sample: published: "Published (#{args[: posts_all].where(status: "published").size}) all_posts: the same as posts render: current template to be rendered |
new_post | {post: @post, post_type: @post_type, extra_settings: @post_form_extra_settings, render: "form"} |
Triggered to show the form for a new content. post: new content model post_type: current post_type extra_settings: array of custom html to be shown on sidebar render: current template to be rendered |
create_post | {post: @post, post_type: @post_type} |
Triggered when a new content is being registered. Permit to add extra validations. post: current content to be saved post_type: current post_type |
created_post | {post: @post, post_type: @post_type} |
Triggered after a new content was registered. post: current content saved post_type: current post_type |
edit_post | {post: @post, post_type: @post_type, extra_settings: @post_form_extra_settings, render: "form"} |
Triggered to show the form for edit a content. post: new content model post_type: current post_type extra_settings: array of custom html to be shown on sidebar render: current template to be rendered |
update_post | {post: @post, post_type: @post_type} |
Triggered when a content is being updated. Permit to add extra validations. post: current content to be updated post_type: current post_type |
updated_post | {post: @post, post_type: @post_type} | Triggered after a content was updated.
post: current content updated post_type: current post_type |
destroy_post | {post: @post, post_type: @post_type, flag: true} |
Triggered when a content is being destroyed. Permit to add extra validations. post: current content to be destroyed post_type: current post_type flag: true/false, indicate if content can be destroyed or not |
destroyed_post | {post: @post, post_type: @post_type} |
Triggered when a content was destroyed. post: current content to be updated post_type: current post_type |
post_get_list_templates | {tempates: (Array), post_type: post_type} |
Permit to add custom templates in the dropdown of templates for post editor. |
post_get_list_layouts | {layouts: (Array), post_type: post_type} |
Permit to add custom layouts in the dropdown of layouts for post editor. |
create_post_draft | {post: @post_draft, post_type: @post_type} |
Triggered before save a new post draft. |
created_post_draft | {post: @post_draft, post_type: @post_type} |
Triggered after saved a new post draft. |
update_post_draft | {post: @post_draft, post_type: @post_type} |
Triggered before update a post draft. |
updated_post_draft | {post: @post_draft, post_type: @post_type} | Triggered after updated a post draft. |
user_after_edited | {user, message, params} |
Triggered after user was updated |
user_edit | {user: @user, render: 'form' } |
Triggered to show edit user form. |
user_new | {user: @user, render: 'form' } |
Triggered to show new user form. |
user_created | {user} |
Triggered after user was saved. |
user_destroyed | {user} |
Triggered after user was destroyed. |
available_user_roles_list | {roles_list: (Hash of existent roles)} |
Permit to add custom roles to be listed in editing roles form |
list_site | {sites, render} | Triggered to show sites list. |
nav_menu_custom | {custom_menus: {}, menu: @nav_menu} | Permit to add custom menu items available to be selected in menus editor |
on_external_menu | {menu_item: (NavMenuItem), parsed_menu: (Hash)} | Permit to customize or mark as current menu. Sample parsed_menu: {link: "url of the link", name: "Text of the menu", type_menu: 'external', current: Boolean (true => is current menu, false => not current menu item)} |
on_render_front_menu_item | {menu_item: (NavMenuItem), parsed_menu: (Hash)} | Permit to customize data of parsed menu item or skip menu item by assigning false into :parsed_menu |
user_update_more_actions_form | {html: ''} | Permit to add custom options within user form |
user_update_more_actions | {html: ''} | Permit to add custom options below of user form |
extra_custom_fields | {fields: {}} |
Permit to register custom field elements, sample: - extra_fields: (Array({item}, {item})) list of fields with following structure: |
app_before_load | Triggered for each request when the app is being accessed | |
app_after_load | Triggered for each request when the app was accessed | |
email_late | {template_name, layout_name, mail_data, files, ...} |
Permit to customize the email values before to delivery the email: |
on_uploader | (args) |
args = { Permit to customize the uploder. |
before_upload | (args) |
Permit to customize the settings of the file before to upload. |
on_uploader_resize | {file: (String file path), w: (Integer), h: (Integer), w_offset: 0, h_offset: 0, resize: (Boolean), replace: (Boolean), gravity: :north_east} |
Permit to customize the thumbnail generation. |
front_before_load |
Triggered for each request when the frontend module is being accessed |
front_after_load |
Triggered for each request when the frontend module was accessed |
front_default_layout | {layout: (params[:cama_ajax_request].present? ? "cama_ajax" : 'index'), controller: controller} |
Triggered to customize the layout for frontend. Default layout "index". |
on_render_index | {layout: default_layout, render: "index"} |
Triggered for access into home page (index) |
on_render_category | {category: @category, layout: default_layout, render: "category"} |
Triggered when a category is being accessed. category: current category layout: current layout to be rendered render: current template to be rendered |
on_render_post_type | {post_type: @post_type, layout: default_layout, render: "post_type"} |
Triggered when a post type is being accessed. post_type: current post_type layout: current layout to be rendered render: current template to be rendered |
on_render_post_tag | {post_tag: @post_tag, layout: default_layout, render: "post_tag"} |
Triggered when a post tag is being accessed. post_tag: current post_tag layout: current layout to be rendered render: current template to be rendered |
on_render_search | {layout: current_layout, render: "search"} |
Triggered to execute search request. layout: current layout to be rendered render: current template to be rendered |
on_render_profile | {user: @user, layout: layout_, render: "profile"} |
Triggered on render user profile on frontend |
on_ajax | {render_file: nil, render_text: "", layout: current_layout } |
Triggered to execute ajax requests. layout: nil render_file: current template to be rendered render_text: answer for ajax request |
on_render_post | {post: @post, post_type: @post_type, layout: current_layout, render: r_file} |
Triggered when a post (content) is being accessed. post_type: Post_type of the current content layout: current layout to be rendered render: current template to be rendered post: current content model |
seo | {seo_data, object} |
Triggered when SEO attributes are created. def my_custom_seo(args) |
on_render_sitemap |
{layout: def_layout, render: "sitemap", custom: {}, format: , skip_post_ids: [], skip_posttype_ids: [], skip_cat_ids: [], skip_tag_ids: []} |
triggered visiting https://localhost:3000/sitemap.xml |
on_render_robots |
{layout, render} |
Triggered to show https://localhost:3000/robots.txt |
on_render_rss |
{layout, render} |
Triggered on https://localhost:3000/rss.rss |
draw_custom_assets | {stylesheets: (Array), javascripts: (Array), js_html: (String), css_html: (String)} | Permit to customize the render of assets changing the value of js_html or css_html using stylesheets or javascripts values |
session_before_load | Triggered when the request is for access to session module (before load the action): login, verify_login, logout, logout, forgot.... | |
session_after_load | Triggered when the request is for access to session module (after load the action): login, verify_login, logout, logout, forgot.... | |
user_before_register | {user, params} | Triggered before user was registered. user: User model saved params: (Hash) params received from request |
user_after_register | {user, message, redirect_url } | Triggered after user was registered. user: User model saved message: String (Message after created) redirect_url: (String) url to redirect after creation |
user_register_form | {html, f: form} | print custom html content in register form |
user_login_form | {html, f: form} | print custom html content in login form |
user_before_login | {user: @user, params: params, password: data_user[:password], captcha_validate: captcha_validate, stop_process: false} | Triggered after login form was submitted. user: User model with username=params[username] params: request params password: password received captcha_validate: boolean |
after_login | {user: @user, redirect_to: nil} |
Triggered after login user. Also you can customize the redirect url after login |
user_registered | {user, redirect_url} |
Triggered after user was registered. Also permit to customize the redirect url after registered |