When you worked in your development environment using sqllite3 DB, you will need to migrate your DB to Production DB (Mysql or Postgres).
- Export development.sqlite3 into sql format:
CMD:sqlite3 production.sqlite3 .dump > sqlite3.sql
- Download sqlite3-to-mysql.rb
- Convert sqlite3 into mysql:
CMD: cd/path_to_script/ && ruby sqlite3-to-mysql.rb /path_to/sqlite3.sql > my_mysql.sql
- Create mysql db and import my_mysql.sql
Note: If you have errors like too much data for column.. please change varchar(255) to bigger according to your requirements - Change config/database.yml for mysql settings and change Gemfile to use mysql2 instead of sqlite
Samples: https://gist.github.com/erichurst/961978
Created at: 01 Dec 12:48 | Updated at: 01 Dec 17:40