How to add new admin language?

This are the steps to add a new language for Admin Panel.

  1. Create a new yml file in config/locales/camaleon_cms/admin/my_locale.yml
  2. Add your language name in config/locales/camaleon_cms/languages.yml
  3. Add your language translation for routes in config/locales/camaleon_cms/routes.yml
  4. Add your language key in config/system.json => admin_available_languages, sample: admin_available_languages: ["my_locale"]
  5. Add tinymce translation into "app/assets/javascripts/camaleon_cms/admin/tinymce/" for your language from: or 
  6. Add Jquery validate translation into "app/assets/javascripts/camaleon_cms/admin/jquery_validate" like my_locale.js (without "messages_") from:
  7. Add moment-js translation into "app/assets/javascripts/camaleon_cms/admin/momentjs/" from
  8. Add your translation for javascript in config/locales/camaleon_cms/admin/js.yml

This are the steps to add a new language for Front Panel, like titles or buttons

  1. Add your language key in config/system.json => available_languages
  2. Create a new yml locale into my_theme_folder/config/locales/my_locale.yml for your theme
  3. Create a new yml locale into my_plugin_folder/config/locales/my_locale.yml for your plugins

Restart your server and go to admin -> settings -> languages to enable them.

Created at: 05 Sep 19:59 | Updated at: 20 Dec 13:12