Get Started
December 19, 2016 14:34

Book Store Requirements:Create a Simple Bookstore Site with the following requirements: Support for Languages: English and Spanish Books Structure: ISBN Code, Author (support for multiple Authors)...

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December 01, 2015 07:52

To install Camaleon CMS you need to do the following steps or watch this video:  Updated installation steps here. Open a browser and navigate to https://localhost:3000 (First time will show new ...

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Installation on Existent Project
March 18, 2017 07:59

Camaleon CMS can be integrated into existent Rails Project. Note: Check here for updated install steps.Steps to install: Add camaleon_cms to your Gemfile (review github for the last stable versio...

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Installation and Migration 1x
December 01, 2015 14:28

Install Ruby on Rails 4.1+ Visit here. Create your rails project rails new my_project Add the gem in your Gemfile gem 'camaleon_cms', '1.1.0' Install the gem bundle install # bundle update ...

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Model Diagram
November 20, 2015 09:16

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Class Docs
June 15, 2016 17:52

You will be redirected in 2 seconds...

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