Create Advanced Custom Field

November 08, 2016 09:29

#/themes/e_shop/views/custom_field/_my_slider.html.erb <div class="group-input-fields-content" data-callback-render="render_my_custom_slider"> <div class="form-group"> <label>Ima...

Sample Theme Helper

November 08, 2016 09:24

module Themes::PerspectiveTheme::MainHelper def self.included(klass) klass.helper_method [:perspective_social_networks] rescue "" # here your methods accessible from views end def perspective_theme...

How to migrate to another domain

November 16, 2016 11:20

These are the steps to migrate/deploy to another domain: Export to sql your DB Replace your old domain to the new domain in the SQL, like: "https://localhost:3000/" into "https://mydomai...

How to map custom domains

November 25, 2016 01:14

Camaleon CMS Permit you to customize your domains for old domains or support multiple domains to a single site, like this: # Add an initializer in config/initializers/


November 28, 2016 13:24

Camaleon CMS manage shortcodes which permit you to represent small code for a functionality or some special content, like sliders, tabs ...Camaleon CMS support for many shortcodes in the same page,...

Move SQlite DB to Production DB Mysql

December 01, 2016 12:48

When you worked in your development environment using sqllite3 DB, you will need to migrate your DB to Production DB (Mysql or Postgres). Export development.sqlite3 into sql format:CMD: sqlite3 pr...

How can I control the visit to my categories?

January 12, 2017 09:54

For many reasons you can try to avoid/verify the visits for categories, posts or any other, then by this way you can do it: Create an initializer Create a before filter for :category on CamaleonCm...

How to extend a Post Model?

January 23, 2017 11:36

By this way you can extend, overwrite a Camaleon CMS Post Model. Create an initializer # config/initializers/my_custom_cama_post.rbRails.application.config.to_prepare do CamaleonCms::Post.class_ev...

How to configure AWS + Cloudfront?

April 10, 2017 10:03

Enter your AWS + Cloudfront settings in Admin -> Settings -> General Site -> File System TabSample: After change your settings, go to media section to clear cache and fetch files from the ...

How to upload files by tasks?

April 05, 2017 11:46

This is a sample which uploads a remote file to the CMS storage (local or aws): # lib/tasks/owen.rakenamespace :owen do desc "Test download external image" task download_image: :environment do incl...