
November 21, 2015 08:27

Hooks are functions that listen for specific process where you can customize the normal functionality of Camaleon CMS. This customization can be: Customize results Load custom assets Load custom t...

Custom Fields

November 19, 2015 08:20

Camaleon CMS Custom Fields is the perfect solution for any website which needs more flexible data. Visually create your FieldsSelect from multiple input types (text, textarea, wysiwyg, image, file...

Model Diagram

November 20, 2015 09:16

Class Docs

June 15, 2016 17:52

You will be redirected in 2 seconds...

How to add new frontend language?

November 01, 2017 07:22

This are the steps to add a new language for Admin Panel. Create a new yml file in config/locales/camaleon_cms/my_locale.yml Add your language key in config/system.json =>available_languages, c...

How to add new admin language?

September 05, 2016 19:59

This are the steps to add a new language for Admin Panel. Create a new yml file in config/locales/camaleon_cms/admin/my_locale.yml Add your language name in config/locales/camaleon_cms/languages.y...

Custom Authentication

October 19, 2016 19:14

Option 1) Change Authentication Into Devise Install Camaleon CMS Install devise gem 'devise'rails g devise:installrails g devise blogger Change migration disabling existent attributes (emai...

Custom AWS Params

October 26, 2016 11:46

Sample to add and read extra attribute from AWS for each file: def my_hook_for_on_uploader(args) args[:aws_settings][:aws_file_upload_settings] = lambda{|settings| settings[:cache_control] = 'max-a...

Custom Frontend Login

October 26, 2016 20:17

This is a sample to add your custom frontend login for your theme (Be careful with theme folder name). Create a controller within your themeapps/themes/{theme_folder_name}/frontend_sessions_contro...

Create Simple Custom Field

November 08, 2016 09:36

#/themes/e_shop/views/custom_field/_country_select.html.erb<div class="group-input-fields-content"> <%= select_tag "#{field_name}[#{field.slug}][values][]", options_for_select(ISO3166::Co...