By Camaleon Developer

Create your store and sell by paypal and credit cards with this single ecommerce plugin.

Last Updated : 2016-12-20
(0 votes)


  • Easy frontend customization by camaleon-cms themes
  • Multi language support
  • Multi site support
  • Share users on multi store
  • Shipping to specific countries
  • Sell in Multiple currencies
  • PDF Invoices
  • Visual customization of email templates
  • Multiple Product Variations
  • Categories and Tags
  • Easy extensible by visual custom fields editor
  • Default payments support: Stripe, Bank transfer, On delivery, Paypal, and support for custom payment methods
  • Tax Rates
  • Coupons

  1. Create a Camaleon CMS Project
  2. Add this to your Gemfile
    gem 'camaleon_ecommerce', github:  'owen2345/camaleon-ecommerce'
  3. Open Console
    rake db:migrate
    bundle install
  4. Go to your admin panel -> plugins
  5. Enable plugin Ecommerce 
  6. Configure your store
    • Payment Methods
    • Shipping Methods
    • Product Attributes (optional)
    • Tax Rates
    • Coupons (optional)
    • Create Products, Categories
    • Menus for your products or categories
  7. Start Selling on http://localhost:3000

  • profile

    Mark Siemers

    September 30, 2015 13:09

    Awesome work on this, I may modify / extend it for some functionality we need, unless you have plans to add the following: - Ability to accept payments through Stripe - Ability to share E-Commerce across sites