By Owen Peredo

Permit to navigate 60% faster in admin panel.

Last Updated : 2025-01-03
(0 votes)

This is a plugin similar to turbolinks gem of Ruby on Rails that loads only the main content instead to load all page content every time.

Permit to navigate 60% faster in admin panel using Ajax Requests for links and forms.

Support newer browsers with history state.


To install and active plugin:

Process 1:

  • Add in your Gemfile
    gem 'camaleon_admin_ajax', github:  'owen2345/admin-ajax'
  • bundle install

Process 2:

  1. unzip
  2. copy plugin_camaleon_admin_ajax_private.rb in my_project/app/helpers/plugin_camaleon_admin_ajax_private.rb
  3. restart server
  4. navigate to admin->plugins->search and install admin_ajax
  5. Navigate by left menus links and see ajax loading


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